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Sakura Video Shoot Experience

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 18, 2019
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We really like to make a good commercial so we started with another shoot, this time with a different model. We did the recording all by ourselves again and we’ve learned a lot from the previous video shoot. This time we have better shots and better angle. Also with a professional model, everything goes very smoothly. There are things that are uncontrollable, we did not notice the day is almost done. So we called it a day and decided to continue shooting the next day.

So the second day of shooting came and we started early so we can accomplish more. We did shooting the day until almost night. Unfortunately, our model is exhausted and already needs to go home early, good thing we have a backup model for the shoot. We called the other model and she immediately responded. We continue with the shoot and finish the final few video clips almost midnight.

It was an exhausting day i can say. But all of it are worth it when we achieve success. We hope to get good results for our video ads this time.

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Sakura Story Day 2 Vol.4

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 18, 2019

After lunch we went back to the hotel lounge to meet with a shipping company. It ’s the same startup as us. I had hope and tension in the first negotiation in English. However, when I started, there were no language barriers, and my business thoughts and passions helped me out! What was worrisome after that was when IT leader kim arrived. Because at this time he was still on his way to the bus.

5G Technology Soon to Come

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 14, 2019

5G is the fifth generation of cellular network technology. The industry association 3GPP defines any system using “5G NR” (5G New Radio) software as, “5G”, a definition that came into general use by late 2018. Others may reserve the term for systems that meet the requirements of the ITU IMT-2020. 3GPP will submit their 5G NR to the ITU. It follows 2G, 3G, 4G, and their respective associated technologies (such as GSM, UMTS, LTE, LTE Advanced Pro, and others). In addition to traditional mobile operator services, 5G NR also addresses specific requirements for private mobile networks ranging from industrial IoT to critical communications.

Sakura Story Day 2 Vol.3

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 10, 2019

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We finished the first interview and decided to have lunch at Carenderia. Yusuke was very interested in the street lunch in Southeast Asia. We were reviewing the basic concept of the project. 「make a free market online, creating new value that anyone can buy and sell though our app」
The two of them came to the Philippines with such dreams and ambitions.


Sakura Smart Video Shoot Experience

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 10, 2019

Sakura smart home is a new product we will launch this December. In order to get more customers to buy our product we need to do promotion. So our team decided to make a video commercial to show how our product works and persuade customers to buy it. We created concept of the video commercial and started looking for a model to act.

When we have the equipment and the model, we started to do shooting. So we shoot the videos by ourselves, it was fun and we learned a lot from this experience. We are positive to get best results from this activity that we did and we hope we will succeed.

Sakura Day 2 Vol. 2

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 4, 2019

The purpose of our trip was to create a project team. Therefore, after a walk, I joined the hotel at 9 am with local coordinator D to have an interview. The first day was scheduled to meet six interviewers, but it was a hint of a tough path. Because there was only one interviewer, IT leader kim was four hours late. Yusuke and I were stunned.

Sakura Story Day2

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: December 3, 2019

I remembered the second day as I walked around the streets of Christmas.

We got up early in the morning because of the future expectations. Then I changed clothes quickly and Yusuke and I started walking around the city of the Philippines.

Yusuke was very interested in the Philippines for the first time, and the two talked about their dream about the project. But they have no way of knowing that they are going to do a tougher business than they thought.

Sakura story

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: November 29, 2019

Day 1
The plane we boarded landed at Manila Airport. A nostalgic atmosphere and warm air flowed, and it was wrapped in an exciting feeling that will begin.
We caught a taxi and headed to the hotel. When we finished the check-in, Yusuke said he didn’t expect me to speak English so much. While saying so, We entered the room thinking what I was thinking. Yusuke and I met after working together a year ago. The story began when I invited you to do business in the Philippines

Light up Japanese garden

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: November 23, 2019

Japanese garden was illuminated at night
It’s getting cold outside it comes winter soon

Go Sakura with passion.

Japanese garden in the city

Published by: sakura_admin
Published Date: November 16, 2019

I love Japanese garden to go and walking

I’ll go back there this weekend light up

Always be knowledge and passion with Sakura